A letter to the Editor by Tammy Liss
Dear Editor,
When I die, I hope it will not be in vain. I strongly believe that everyone must leave something behind when they die. I sure do hope that I will. I hope I'll be able to give that great gift of life to someone in need of it. I want to know that I can still save someone else's life, even by dying.
Thousands of people die every year, waiting for organ transplant. Most of those deaths could be prevented. Getting the congress to legalize organ donation should be your magazine's main goal and we all – as a nation should aspire towards making it possible – the sooner the better. Legalization of organ donation should be the first and biggest issue on our agenda as a nation. By doing do, we can all be a part of something so important, bigger than ourselves. There should be a clear and organized system with all the necessary components to activate this complex procedure of organ donation. As with anything in life, I know that rules and regulations are a 'must', but the option of organ donation should be there alongside everything else human kind has to offer.
In hope for a change,
Tammy Liss